Quick-Start Guide
The Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide includes six tutorials that show you how to use the
main features of Repute. Each tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to
drive the program. There are three tutorials dealing with single pile design and
three with pile group design. The tutorials increase in difficulty and are designed to
be followed in order.
- Introducing Repute
- Tutorial 1 - H-pile in clay and sand
- Tutorial 2 - Fleming's hyperbolic analysis
- Tutorial 3 - Single pile design to Eurocode 7
- Tutorial 4 - Pile group in clay and sand
- Tutorial 5 - Non-linear analysis of pile group in stiff clay overlying a rigid layer
- Tutorial 6 - Asymmetric pile group under 3D loading
Repute 2.5 Quick-Start Guide
(version, 3.1 MB)
A printed copy of the Quick-Start Guide is provided with the program.
User Manual
The Repute 2.5 User Manual explains how to use the program. It provides a detailed description of the program’s user interface.
- Documentation
- Overview
- The Ribbon
- The Drawing Board
- The Project Manager
- The Stockyard
- The Property Inspector
- The Workbook
- The Graph Paper
- The Message Board
- The Reporter
- The Browser
- Wizards
- Program Options
Repute 2.5 User Manual
(version 2.5.10, 5.9 MB)
A printed copy of the User Manual is provided with the program.
Reference Manual
The Repute 2.5 Reference Manual gives detailed information about the engineering theory that underpins Repute’s calculations. The manual assumes you have a
working knowledge of the geotechnical design of single piles and pile groups, but
provides appropriate references for further study if you do not.
- Documentation
- Calculations
- Design standards
- Actions
- Material and section properties
- Algorithms
- References
Repute 2.5 Reference Manual
(version 2.5.11, 1.2 MB)
A printed copy of the Reference Manual is provided with the program.
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